Phone Numbers

Local & Toll Free Phone Numbers

Save money by porting your phone numbers over to TalkAnywhere today!

We make it very simple to acquire new phone numbers along with toll free numbers. Already have phone numbers through another provider? No problem, we can port those numbers over to TalkAnywhere and you can not only save money, but use them on the new phone system you have with us.

Need help selecting or porting numbers?

Our team is always available to help with ordering single phone numbers, or larger blocks of phone numbers to meet your needs. This includes generating the porting requests to ensure you do not lose any of your existing phone numbers during the transition to your new or existing TalkAnywhere phone system.
Local Phone Numbers


Provisioned within 24 hours

Direct Inward Dialing (DID)​
Free Porting & Provisioning
Volume Discounts Available
Toll Free Phone Numbers


Provisioned within 24 hours

Direct Inward Dialing (DID)​
Free Porting & Provisioning
Volume Discounts Available
Number Porting
Already have existing phone numbers? No problem, we can port them in for you.
Direct Inward Dialing (DID)
Affordable local and toll-free phone numbers.
Built-in Failover
Our failover system allows you to route calls to a cell phone in the event of a power or network outage at your location.
24x7x365 Tech Support
Our experts are here to help. Email
Powerful Control Panel
Our control panel makes it easy to provision your phone numbers on your phone system.
Fault Tolerant DID Routing
Clients can have inbound DIDs route to the primary IP PBX, secondary IP PBX or even a cell phone. This ensures business continuity should a failure occur.
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Have a lot of Phone Numbers?

We have Volume Pricing. Contact our sales team today for a quote and porting details.